Violent Crime & Firearm Use in St. Petersburg and Pinellas Co. FL

St. Petersburg summary: Over a three year period, 2015-17 data on violent crime reveals:

  • 55% of criminal homicides involved a firearm
  • 2% of sex offenses involved a firearm
  • 36% of robberies involved a firearm
  • 29% of aggravated assaults involved a firearm
  • ** 29% of all violent crimes involved a firearm

Pinellas County summary: Over a 22 year period, 1996-2017 data on violent crime reveals:

  • 55% of murders involved a firearm, a pattern that trended upward during the period
  • 12% of manslaughters involved a firearm; pattern trended downward during a period
  • 1% of forcible sex crimes involved a firearm
  • 32% of robberies involved a firearm
  • 16% of aggravated assaults involved a firearm; pattern trended upward during a period

St. Petersburg Data: 2015-17       

  2015 2016 2017 Annual totals/average % of category
Criminal homicide 17 28 24 69/23
Firearm involved 10 15 13 38/13 55%
Sex offenses 185 122 136 443/148
Firearm involved 3 1 4 8/2.7 2%
Robbery 573 556 499 1628/543
Firearm involved 182 212 195 589/196 36%
Aggravated assault 1126 1029 1187 3342/1114
Firearm involved 329 308 337 974/325 29%
Total violent crimes 1898 1727 1846 5471/1824
Firearm involved 524 535 549 1608/536 29%


  1. FL Dept. of Law Enforcement, FL Uniform Crime Reports 2015-17, provided by St. Petersburg Police Department
  2. Centers for Disease Control data by county
  3. Centers for Disease Control, Firearm Mortality Data
  4. FL Dept. of Law Enforcement, Crime Data by Jurisdiction 1996-2017
  5. FL Dept. of Law Enforcement Uniform Crime Statistics, Domestic Violence

Every 16 hours an intimate partner with a gun kills a woman in the U.S.  Domestic violence assaults involving a gun are 12 times more likely to end in death than assaults with other weapons.


In St. Petersburg during the 3 year period 2015-17, domestic violence was involved in:

  • 14.5% of criminal homicides
  • 24% of sex offenses
  • 27% of aggravated assaults
  • 51.5% of simple assault, threats, and stalking

We do not know how frequently firearms were used in domestic violence.  If the frequency of firearm use for each category above holds true for domestic violence, we can estimate that:

  • over half of criminal homicides involving domestic violence involved a firearm
  • one-quarter of sex offenses & aggravated assaults involved a firearm

In St. Petersburg during the 3 year period 2015-17, in instances of violent crime involving domestic violence, arrests were made 54% of the time.  In instances of simple assault, threats and stalking involving domestic violence, arrests were made 40% of the time.
In the state of Florida, the murder rate in domestic violence cases rose from 162 in 2017 to 196 in 2018 or 20.9 %.  Rape cases increased by 13% from 1580 to 1783 during this period.


  1. Centers for Disease Control data by county
  2. Centers for Disease Control, Firearm Mortality Data
  3. FL Dept. of Law Enforcement, Crime Data by Jurisdiction 1996-2017
  4. FL Dept. of Law Enforcement Uniform Crime Statistics, Domestic Violence

        – updated January 2020

Facts You Should Know:

  • Nationwide, suicides account for over 60% of firearm-related deaths. 
  • Suicide is often an impulsive act and guns are a devastatingly effective means of ending one’s life.
  • Firearms are used in approximately half of all suicides. Between 2015-17 there were 591 suicides in Pinellas County with 52% involving the use of a firearm.  Between Jan 1 2013 and June 30 2018, there were 137 suicides involving a firearm in St. Petersburg.

Suicides in Pinellas County
5 years between 2012-2016          982 suicide deaths, an average of 196/year
2014                                       195  (17.3 suicides per 100,000 population)
2015                                       199 (18 suicides per 100,000 population)
2016                                       214 (19.6 suicides per 100,000 population)
2017                                       178  (16.9 suicides per 100,000 population)
Summary:  Suicides trended upward in the county between 2012-2016 dropping significantly in 2017. 
Suicides in Florida
2014               3035  (13.8 suicides per 100,000 population)
2015               3152  (14.5 suicides per 100,000 population)
2016               3122  (14.1 suicides per 100,000 population)
2017               3187  (14.1 suicides per 100,000 population)
Summary:  The national age-adjusted suicide rate was 13.5 per 100,000 population
in 2016; in Florida it was 14 per 100,000; in Pinellas County it was 19.6 per 100,000. 
Suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in Florida, placing Florida 21st in the nation.

Firearm Deaths in Florida
2014               2410
2015               2559
2016               2704
Summary:  The firearm death rate in Florida in 2016 was 12.6 per 100,000, higher than the nation’s 11.8 per 100,000 rate.


Suicides by Firearm in St. Petersburg
During the 5.5 years from Jan. 1, 2013 – June 30, 2018, there were 137 suicides by firearms.

Suicides by Firearm in Pinellas County
2015-17 total suicides (see annual data above)             591
2015-17 suicides by firearm                                               307  
Summary:  52% of suicides during this 3-year period involved a firearm; this
equates to 8.4 per 100,000 population.  (data from
under profile of fatal injuries)

Suicides by Firearm in Florida 
(all data is per 100,000 population)
Year   Rate of firearm death     Rate of suicides              % of suicides using firearms
2012  8.01                                        15.52                                         51.61%
2013  8.0                                           14.95                                        53.51%
2014  7.73                                        15.26                                         50.66%
2015  8.05                                        15.83                                        50.85%
2016   8.1                                          14.1                                           57%
Summary:  53% of suicides during this 5-year period involved a firearm.


  1. Centers for Disease Control “Fatal Injury Data”
  2. Centers for Disease Control “Suicide Mortality by State”
  3. Centers for Disease Control searchable database for “underlying cause of death”;jsessionid=702709C6F4D24E3EBE05475813D1161A
  4. Florida Health Charts, Suicide Deaths, Pinellas County
  5. Florida Health Charts, Suicide Deaths Pinellas County / 3 yr rolling rates, age-adj.
  6. St. Petersburg Police Department data on suicides by firearms obtained August 2018
  7. Study by Governing magazine using data from the National Center for Health Statistics: 

Impact of Gun Violence

The impact of gun violence is far-reaching and devastating.  By understanding the impact and acknowledging shared concerns, we can begin to identify ways to effectively address gun violence in a bipartisan manner.

Impact on children

To protect children and adolescents, priorities for gun safety policies include safe firearm storage, extreme risk protection orders, and universal background checks.

  1. 1 in 3 homes with children have guns; most children 5-14 years of age know where the firearm is stored.
  2. Among households with firearms and children less than 18 years of age, 22% have a loaded gun in the home.
  3. The presence of loaded unlocked firearms in the home increases the risk of suicide among adolescents by 4x.

For More Information & How to Take Action:

Domestic violence & firearms

Guns and domestic violence have long been a deadly combination. Every 16 hours an intimate partner with a gun kills a woman in the U.S. In addition to the physical danger guns pose, research reveals long-term emotional and behavioral effects of violence, aggression, depression and anxiety resulting from exposure to domestic violence. Visit our Domestic Violence and Firearms Stats Sheet for analysis on domestic violence and use of firearms in Pinellas County and St. Petersburg.

  • Domestic violence assaults involving a gun are 12 times more likely to end in death than assaults with other weapons or physical harm.
  • 44% of mass shootings between 2008-2013 involved intimate partners and 80% of child victims of mass shootings (4 or more deaths; not including school shootings) died in an incident connected to domestic violence (Dept. of Justice study, 2010-16)
  • The gun homicide rate for women in the U.S. is 21 times higher than in other high-income countries
  • 81% of Americans support legislation that helps keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and stalkers [1]

 For Additional Information:

  1. Barry, Colleen L., et al., “Public Support for Gun Violence Prevention Policies Among Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners in 2017” American Journal For Public Health 108, no.7 (2018) 878-881.
  2. Cipriano, Andrea, TCR staff, “The Deadly Link Between Guns and Domestic Violence”, The Crime, May 30, 2019.
  3. Keck, David, Rothman, et al. “Guns and Violence Against Women: America’s Uniquely Lethal Intimate Partner Violence Problem”,, October 17, 2019.

Impact on communities

Gun violence has changed the way many Americans live their lives.

  • Exposure to gun violence can create a cycle of violence. Psychological effects may include anger and disassociation, desensitization to violence, and an increased likelihood that violence will be used to resolve problems or express emotions.Impact of Guns on Communities
  • Routine gun violence is more concentrated in African American communities and disproportionately affects young men, particularly young African Americans.
  • The US is average among developed countries on urban crime rate, mental illness, use of violent media, and non-firearm homicide rates.  But our gun homicide rate is 20% higher because of easy access to guns. Guns don’t kill people; they just make it really easy.
  • 60% of all gun deaths are suicides.  A gun in the home makes a suicide 3x more likely because many suicide attempts are impulsive; 85-91% of firearm suicide attempts are successful.
  • The community pays a significant price for gun violence.  A 2019 study by Force Detroit showed that one gun homicide in Detroit costs local and state governments $1.6M; for a gunshot injury, it’s $1.1M, click here for a cost breakdown.  Crime and gun violence encourage urban flight, thus reducing housing values, community investment, and business growth.

For More Information: 

Impact of Gun Violence on Children, Families and Communities,” Child Welfare League of America, vol. 23, no. 1.

“Detroit homicide prosecutions cost society $1.6M per shooting, report says,” The Detroit News, June 29, 2019.

View our analysis of local violent crime, domestic violence, and suicide rates and check out the facts below on the impact of guns on communities.

Suicide & Firearms

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in America. Guns are a devastatingly effective means of ending one’s own life. Nearly 50% of all suicides in America involve a gun and suicides account for about 60% of all gun-related deaths. 58 Americans kill themselves with a gun every day. You can see this in our suicide and firearms report with local data through 2017.

  • According to the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH), guns are not the most common way to attempt suicide, but they are the most fatal. Suicide by firearms has an 80-90% effective rate, compared to all other methods, such as drug overdose or hanging.
  • Suicide is often an impulsive decision. A gun in the home increases the risk of suicide.
  • Approximately 90% of people who survive suicide attempts don’t go on to kill themselves.
  • According to a 2017 study of Maryland suicides published in AJPH, men account for about 80% of all suicides and nearly 90% of gun-related suicides.
  • Suicide is the leading cause of death among Veterans; 20 Veterans die from suicide each day.

For More Information:

  1. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, “Firearms & Suicide Prevention.”
  2. Kerry Shaw, “10 Essential Facts about Guns and Suicide,” The Trace, September 2016.
  3. VA Suicide Prevention Program, “Facts about Veteran Suicide,” July 2016.

Unintentional Shootings

Local Impact:  In the period January 2014 – August 2018 there were 533 unintentional shootings verified in Florida; 32 were in Pinellas County and 20 of those were in South Pinellas, District 13, which includes St. Petersburg

Facts You Should Know:
*  4.6 million children in the United States live in homes with at least one loaded, unlocked firearm.
*  An average of 7.6 children in the U.S. die each day from gunshot wounds.
*  A federal government study estimated that 31% of unintentional shootings might be prevented by two devices: a childproof safety lock and a loaded chamber indicator (a device that indicates there’s a bullet in the chamber and built into the gun; a slide can be used to swap out the part).

  1. For More Information:
    Pinellas County data from Gun Violence Archive,
  2. Deborah Azreal, Joanna Cohen, Carmel Sahl and Matthew Miller, “Firearm Storage in Gun-Owning Households with Children: Results of a 2015 Survey,” Journal of Urban Health, June 2018.
  3. Devin Hughes, “Gun Storage Works: Safe Storage Saves Lives [opinion],” The Hill, May 31, 2018.

Gun Safety Action Guide

Gun violence is a persistent and disturbing public health issue. Its impact is most keenly felt by minority communities but has touched a broad cross-section of our country. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention reveal that about 40,000 people are killed by a firearm each year; about 60% of these deaths are suicides and 37% are homicides.  

LWVSPA’s Gun Safety Action Team is currently inactive but between 2017-2020 conducted evidence-based research and developed an education campaign and more than 20 fact sheets to provide you with the facts you need to independently take action on this issue. We continue to support efforts by LWV-FL and the FL Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence.  


Take Action

  • Become informed… learn more from the fact sheets linked above.
  • VOTE!
  • Contact your state legislators and U.S. congressional representatives.
  1. Review tips on how to advocate and work effectively with your legislators.
  2. Contact your federal and state representatives: visit OR text 507-609-3322 and send your zip code as the message to get contact information.
  3. During the session, click here to follow Florida legislative proposals; change the year to get current information.  Gun violence received little legislative attention in 2020; to see what was proposed and final action (or inaction) see our final summary at 2020 FL proposed gun legislation

Fast Facts

Watch “The State of Gun Violence in the U.S.,” a seven-minute video by Joss Fong, Vox, 21 Feb 2016.