Who We Are
Our mission is simple: Empowering voters. Defending Democracy.
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

League Values, Principles, and Policy
League Principles
The League believes in principles that make democracy work, empower voters, and protect voting rights and social justice.
Nonpartisan Policy
Nonpartisanship is a value that we have held at the core of our organization for 100 years.

Every year, our membership reviews our bylaws and makes recommendations for changes based on operational or membership needs. To review our current bylaws, click the link below.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting is where membership convenes to set the agenda for the upcoming year, vote on business items, celebrate accomplishments, and foster fellowship between members. Our next annual meeting will be posted in our Events section and in our Your Vote, Your Voice blog.

Program Planning
The annual program for action arises from the suggestions of members. A local League’s “action” or advocacy program is determined by members at its annual meeting; state and national programs are voted on by delegates at state and national League conventions. For more information about our upcoming Annual Meeting please check out our Events page and our Your Vote, Your Voice Blog.
League of Women Voters of the St. Petersburg Area Board Members and Nominating Committee

Jackie Azis
President 2024-25
Nancy Wildfeir-Field
1st Vice President 2024-25
Sarah Peacock
2nd Vice President 2024-25
Sue Castleman
Treasurer 2024-26
Stephanie Sembler
Secretary (2-year term) 2023-25
Susie Paterson
Director (2-year term) 2023-25
Amy Keith
Director (2-year term) 2024-26
Jean Johnston
Director (2-year term) 2024-26
Stacey Kroto
Director (2-year term) 2023-25
Sarah Wines
Director (filling vacated 2-year term) 2024-25
Beate Marston
Nominating Committee Chair 2024-25
Caprice Edmond
Nominating Committee 2024-25
Pat Lucas
Nominating Committee 2024-25Meet our Action Team Leaders

Maryellen Gordon
Voter Registration & Voter Guide Chair
Robin Davidov
Voter Education and Outreach & Candidate Forums Chair
Sarah Peacock
National Popular Vote, Chair
Lindsay Polega
Reproductive Rights Co-Chair
Amy Weintraub
Membership Chair, Reproductive Rights Co-Chair
Laura Crabtree
Sustainability Chair
Sarah Terry
Reproductive Rights Co-Chair
Stacey Kroto
Social Justice Chair
Sue Castleman
Education Co-Chair
Joni Jonas
Education Co-Chair
Susan Dickson
Communications and Administrative SpecialistPhoto Gallery