Virtual Annual Meeting 2021
Once a year our St. Pete League membership gathers to vote on bylaws changes, budget, new board members, and most importantly, which issues we’ll champion in the year ahead. We need your vote! For continued health and safety our meeting will conducted by Zoom. Won’t you join us? The LWVSPA bylaws require that documents related to certain agenda items be distributed to members one month in advance of our Annual Meeting. This ensures that everyone has plenty of time to review the materials and get questions and concerns addressed ahead of time, if possible. Please follow the links below to find documents ready for you which will be presented at the Annual Meeting: Report of the Nominating Committee – slate of candidates for Officer, Board Member, and Nominating Committee positions Budget Packet Proposed “Program” (advocacy team areas) Proposed Bylaws (with track changes) If, after reviewing the materials, you have questions or concerns, please relay them to the designated League leader: Nominating – email Amy Weintraub, Nominating Chair Budget – email Gina Gallo, Treasurer Program – email Linsey Grove, President You will also have the opportunity to ask and discuss during the Annual Meeting on April 17 via Zoom. As a reminder only dues paying members will be eligible to vote during the Annual Meeting. Registration is required for the Annual Meeting to allow for time to confirm, or remedy, an active membership. If you have yet to RSVP, please do so now. |
Register Now! |
Thank you for your attention to these matters. Please email Julia Sharp,, with any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you on Zoom at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 17! |