Jackie Azis, President 2023-24

Dear League Members, 
Hello all! I’m Jackie, your new President of the League of Women Voters of the St. Petersburg Area. I am honored to take on this role, and am inspired and in awe of the hardworking and dedicated members, team leads, board members, and volunteers we have within our league.  I believe our work is most impactful when the needs of the community are our first priority, and I believe our teams operate under that same principle. 

Our main priorities this year include voter protection, social justice, sustainability, and reproductive rights. There is no shortage of work to be done in any of these areas, and I encourage each one of you to pick an issue area (or two!) you care deeply about and get involved with the League today.

You can join our teams by contacting a team lead, or learn more by clicking the links here: 

Voter Protection

Social JusticeSustainability

Reproductive Rights  
We also have some exciting things happening in June. A group of board members, team leads, and new members will head to Orlando this week for the League of Women Voters of Florida State Convention. 

Our reproductive rights team continues to engage in the immensely important and difficult work of petition gathering to get the right to abortion on the ballot in 2024. And our Social Justice team is hosting a member meeting on Tuesday, June 27 at 5 pm at the Center for Health Equity. The member meeting will begin with a discussion with Sarah-Jane Vatelot,  Author of Where Have All The Mangoes Gone: Reactivating the Tropicana Field Site. The second part of the meeting will be open to the public and will be led by Ms. Gwendolyn Reese, who will educate us about the Structural Racism study that the City funded and conducted. 

I am excited for the year ahead. We certainly have our work cut out for us. Please feel free to reach out to me with your ideas at president@lwvspa.org. We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events soon. 

In solidarity, 
Jackie Azis