What is the Nominating Committee, and what do they do?

Have you ever wondered: How is the League organized? What is the Nominating Committee, and what do they do?

This month we want to give you some condensed answers to those questions, starting with:

1. The Nominating Committee.

This Committee is responsible to the League membership, not the board. Its composition is determined by our bylaws, therefore we have five members. The Chair and two members are elected by membership yearly, two others are appointed by the board. This way there is an established channel of communication about league needs. We strive to recruit for leadership positions to synchronize identified needs with the talents and abilities of our membership.

Among many other things, this is why it is so important for members to engage as much as possible, and attend League events, and social gatherings, in order to connect with others, hear and be heard, become even more motivated, and keep making our League the best it can be.

2. A general League overview

The structure of the League, a grassroots organization, parallels the representative system of government under which we live, and similarly, all Leagues in the US get their guidance from the national LWV which states among other things, that “Speaking with one voice” is one of the most important tenets of the League. The National League determines strategies and action policies that ensure the League’s messaging on national issues is consistent throughout the country.

This continues with state Leagues being responsible for a consistent state message, and local Leagues must cooperate to ensure that regional issues are addressed in a consistent manner by neighboring Leagues.

Only the president (or designee) is permitted to speak for the League in an official

capacity. However, all members are encouraged to take action on League topics as

individuals. As a nonpartisan organization, the League does not support or oppose any political party or candidate for office but takes positions on issues, and individual members are urged to be as active as possible in the political process.


It is essential for membership to participate in the various events, committees, and discussions we have throughout the year. Following the league’s announcements on your social media feeds, and reading your email newsletters is an excellent way to stay informed of all upcoming League events.

Each year, the League decides on an action agenda, the PROGRAM. Members are encouraged to voice their priorities at our Program Planning meeting (look for the announcements – see above) held in February each year.  The recommendations from February’s Program Planning meeting are adopted at the Annual Meeting in April, at which time the membership will also vote on the new leadership positions.

Like every League, we have Bylaws which are the rules and principles that define the organization’s governing structure.

The positions that make up our board are specified in the bylaws:

President (1yr. term), 1st and 2nd Vice president (1 yr. term each), treasurer (2 yr term), secretary (2 yr term), and five directors (2 yr. terms)

Toward the end of each year as terms end the Nominating Committee begins seeking out members who are inspired and motivated to bring their experiences, and desire to grow to our board in order to fill the positions that become vacant. Like everything that is worthwhile doing in life, being a League leader is both rewarding and challenging,

To find out more about leadership positions, please contact Nominating Committee Chair Beate Marston at beatemarston654@gmail