Your Vote, Your Voice!
Voter Services is at the core of what we do as the League of Women Voters!
Our Voter Services team works to support voters at all stages of the voting cycle in a nonpartisan manner—from registering voters, to informing them about candidates and issues that are on the ballot, to helping them understand the voting process and their voting rights.
Questions about voting in Pinellas County, Florida? Click HERE to see answers to some of the most frequently asked voting questions!

Voter Services in Pinellas County
Voter Registration
We collaborate with other community organizations and participate in events all over Pinellas County to ensure every eligible person has the opportunity to register to vote, update their voter registration information, and sign up to vote by mail.
Voter Guide & Candidate Forums
We help Pinellas County voters prepare to vote. Before each election, we develop a nonpartisan Voter Guide, hold Candidate Forums, and provide educational materials. Our Speaker’s Bureau is also available to give talks about the voting process and issues that are on the ballot.
Voter Protection
We are dedicated to ensuring that all eligible voters have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote and have their ballot counted. We provide education on voter rights in advance of elections and we assist voters at the polls on Election Day.
Why Should I Vote?
To speak your mind. To use your voice. To make politicians listen.
For your children. For yourself. To honor history. To control your future. To stop something. To start something. To win.
Participation changes everything. Register to vote, get to know your candidates’ positions, study the issues, and vote wisely.

Election Protection

Get Involved!
Are you interested in supporting voters in Pinellas County? You have a lot of ways to get involved, including voter registration, poll monitoring, legal volunteering, voter education, and more. Contact us to learn more about how you can get involved in our community.